If you have a golf course membership, or even play a few rounds a year, chances are you have seen your fair share of golf carts. These carts are usually black and white, offering convenient transportation from hole to hole on the golfing green. However, there is an entire community surrounding decking out these vehicles. From improving the engine, to completely redesigning the outside, there are no limits to what these people are willing to undertake in the name of art. This video showcases some of the coolest and most original custom golf cart designs.
While some of these artists are golf cart sellers, others simply do golf cart custom projects for the fun of it. As you can see, there are countless ways to transforming a golf cart into a magnificent luxury automobile. Many artists take the liberty of transforming their carts to look like old hot rods, or classic car models. This includes installing a whole new roof, adding decals and paint, and even upholstering the seats with new material. You’ve gotta hand it to them, these artists are dedicated!