Installing a Garage Door

In this video, you will learn about a garage door company. You will also learn how to install a garage door. DIY installation of a garage door can be tricky.

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Be sure to follow all of the instructions clearly. Before you begin, be sure to have personal protective equipment like goggles and gloves. Some steps might also involve two people. First, you are going to want to attach the left-hand verticle track and angle. Give the flag angle a one-quarter turn to lock in place. Use the jam schedule for directions. All of the brackets come in different lengths, so you will want to make sure you are using the right one. Repeat for the other side. Find the left-hand horizontal track and horizontal track angle. Using a hammer or mallet, tap it until the angles are aligned. Repeat for the other side. Place the left-hand loop on the cables. Ensure a tight fit to prevent injury. All tracks can be identified by the number on the hinges. There is a lot to know about garage door installation. If you are interested in learning more, keep watching this video for more information.

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