Are you looking for something fun to do on the weekends? Have you thought about taking up skating? Whether your neighborhood has lots of sidewalks or dirt roads, you can have hours of weekend fun skating solo or with groups of friends.
Are You a Core or a Casual Skater?
If you’re already a skater, do you consider yourself a core or casual skater? On a yearly basis, core skaters go out on their boards about 26 times. Casual skaters, however, take their boards out around one to 25 times throughout the year.
How Often Do You Go Skating?
There are around 11 million people that go skating on a regular basis. In some cases, they may create time to go skating every day. When considering all types of skaters, males as well as females are both core skaters. A recent survey showed that 77.1% of all skaters are male, and 23.9% are female. When it comes to core skaters, though, 83.4% are male and 16.6% are female.
Do You Have a Local Skateboarding Park?
There are quite a few skateboarding parks located throughout the United States. At the last count, for example, there were 500! While some of these skate parks are located in lush, green areas such as regular parks, others are located in urban or industrial areas.I f you have a local skateboarding park in your neighborhood, then you know how exhilarating these can be. It’s also cool to be able to watch how other skaters maneuver their boards and practice new moves.
Have You Checked Out an Electric Powered Longboard?
Whether you’re just learning how to skate or have been skating for years, have you experienced the thrill of an electric powered longboard? When you skate electric, you can cover more terrain, whether it’s along city sidewalks, off road, or at a local skate park.
These battery powered skateboards are also rechargeable, which makes them an eco-friendly way to travel to work or around town. Once you experience the difference between a traditional board and a motorized skateboard, chances are that you’ll take out your electric powered longboard whenever you can.