In the city of Coral Gables, art has become a staple of the cities livelihood. With more than a dozen art galleries, this city offers some of the best galleries in America. Once, Coral Gables was considered the avenue of galleries for all of the art it displayed. There is even a trolley that goes from gallery to gallery that carries art lovers to all the different spots they love to visit. On top of that, the community has transcended normal viewership and it has become more of an exclusive club of art lovers that can appreciate the spectacle that is Coral Gables.
When you go to an art gallery in coral gables, you can find art from Latin American artists, Columbian artists, even Cuban artists. With an avenue like this, it is often that you’ll find viewers starting an art walk, which is rare in most cities as it’s difficult to find so many fine art galleries in one place. So next time you’re visiting Miami, consider visiting the cit of Coral Gables and taking in some of its historic and important art.