The world wide web is something several of us take for granted every day. With access to million and millions of websites at the tips of our fingers, it is humanly impossible to know even a tiny percentage of what the internet has to offer. Thankfully, the internet brings billions of people together every day, so we can congregate and help one another with life’s important questions. Considering the sheer size of the internet, chances are that there are tons of awesome websites you haven’t even seen yet. This video outline 12 super useful sites that may just become some of your most-visited.
Virus Total is a site that can instantly scan your files for malware and suspicious content. It is completely free, and can keep your computer from downloading harmful viruses and software. Pixelr is a free photo editing software available right from your browser. You can add animations, resize your files, and add eye-catching effects to any photo you choose. Term of Service instantly scans all terms of service documents and highlights parts that may be of interest to you. This helps prevent being roped in to an agreement you didn’t understand. With new websites coming out daily, you are sure to find one perfect for you!